Parenthood features a new Parenting Skill. Parenting Skill A father looks up advice for raising his kids, who are trashing the house. On release day, check back for guides to the new content.
The following are the major gameplay additions of the Parenthood pack. You can teach your children to be empathetic and kind through parenting or be strict and inflict punishment when they misbehave. Parenthood Gameplay Click to Enlarge this and all other detailed images.
Parenting Skill - The new skill that helps your Sims improve as parents. Character Values - Learn about the values, raising them, and good/bad traits for extremes. Improving the realism of interaction and behaviors in childhood seems to have been the main goal of this pack, and to players raising a family it will add some challenge and depth. New animations and activity features will further add to the game and bring this life simulator a little closer to reality. New features such as the parenting skill, the character values system, and teachable moments will increase the gameplay depth and variety raising children and teens in The Sims 4. In the Sims 4 Parenthood Game Pack, Sims players are able to more realistically raise children and direct the type of adult that they will become. It features quiet suburbs, a lively rec center, a tight-knit community, and even an influential local family - the Robleses.The Sims 4 Parenthood Game Pack Guide to DLC Additions and Gameplay Features The Sims 4 Parenthood Game Pack release date is May 30, 2017 Perfect for Families - Located along an ocean bay, San Sequoia was once a small fishing village and has grown into a bustling town. As they experience life together, there will be opportunities for both drama and unity that will affect family dynamics and Sims’ relationships with their family members. Family Ties - The bonds between your related Sims are important and complex. Your Sim will now have preferences that determine which Sims they are socially compatible with and which Sims are more likely to become their enemies. Your Sim might have natural social chemistry with a Sim they meet at a party - or they might naturally clash. Social Dynamics - Sometimes Sims just click. Unlock and change personality traits throughout your Sims’ lives as they cope with midlife crises, respond to family requests to move in, and more. A Lasting Impact - Key choices and milestones will help to shape who your Sims are. Both planned events like sleepovers and unexpected milestones like having a midlife crisis will shape your Sims and their relationships. The ways your Sims relate to those around them - from family members to Sims they’ve just met - are evolving. Strengthen family bonds, make friends or enemies, and discover your Sims’ truest selves with The Sims™ 4 Growing Together Expansion Pack.