Optimized to run faster on a given target. Tuning in TVM refers to the process by which a model is The auto-tuner, to find a better configuration for our model and get a boost In some cases, we might not get the expected performance when running How to build an optimized model using TVMC to target your working platform. Include any platform specific optimization. The previous model was compiled to work on the TVM runtime, but did not savez ( "imagenet_cat", data = img_data ) expand_dims ( norm_img_data, axis = 0 ) # Save to. shape ): norm_img_data = ( img_data / 255 - imagenet_mean ) / imagenet_stddev # Add batch dimension img_data = np.

astype ( "float32" ) for i in range ( img_data. transpose ( img_data, ( 2, 0, 1 )) # Normalize according to ImageNet imagenet_mean = np. astype ( "float32" ) # ONNX expects NCHW input, so convert the array img_data = np. preprocess.py from import download_testdata from PIL import Image import numpy as np img_url = "" img_path = download_testdata ( img_url, "imagenet_cat.png", module = "data" ) # Resize it to 224x224 resized_image = Image.

An Overview of TVM and Model Optimization.