The birthday cake emoji appears next to your friend’s name on their birthday. This is the ultimate stamp of approval for your Snapchat friendship. You’ll see two pink hearts next to your friend’s name. If you manage to keep your friendship streak going for two months or more, Snapchat rewards you with the Super BFF emoji. Seeing a red heart next to someone’s name means that your Snapchat relationship is going strong! Pink hearts emoji 💕 Snapchat considers a “best friend” to be someone with whom you’ve exchanged the most number of snaps. Read hearts emojis indicate that you’ve been best friends with another user for two consecutive weeks. If you see a yellow heart next to someone’s name, it means that you are officially #besties. This is the person you exchange the most snaps with (and probably share your deepest secrets too). The yellow heart emoji means that you and this Snapchat user are best friends. Depending on your relationship, seeing a gold star can be a good reason to spark up a conversation. If you see a gold star emoji next to a friend’s name, it means that they found your snap interesting. Gold star emojis are shown next to Snapchat friends’ names when they have replayed your snaps in the past 24 hours. Once you have been Snapchat friends with someone for a while, the baby emoji will disappear and be replaced by one of Snapchat’s other friendship emojis. You will see the baby emoji next to someone’s name when you first become Snapchat friends with them.

The baby emoji is Snapchat’s way of indicating that you and this person are new Snapchat friends. The most common Snapchat emojis are Pink Heart, Red Heart, Yellow Heart, Grimace Face, Sunglasses Face, and Fire Emoji. Snapchat tracks how often you communicate with someone and gives them an emoji based on that interaction. These emojis are assigned based on interactions with other Snapchat users. They also appear next to Snapchat Stories on the Discover page. Snapchat emojis are emojis that are displayed next to Snapchat usernames in your Friends list. Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals the steps to create custom Snapchat geofilters and lenses, plus tips on how to use them to promote your business.